Monday, September 28, 2009

Anti-Smoking Ad

I believe that the anti-smoking advertisement above could be considered controversial by many people. I myself am very anti-smoking and I still find it controversial in some ways. I find the image controversial because of the extreme way in which it tries to convince people to stop smoking. Many people who do smoke are already aware of the effects it can cause but are currently battling with trying to quit. The advertisement is being very unsympathetic to people who are trying to quit. Even though the picture may be true, striking fear into someone is not always the best way to solve the issue.
I do believe that the anti-smoking ad is very effective. The opinion being expressed is something that we hear all too often in today's society. Therefore, I think showing more supportive ads aimed towards struggling smokers would be more effective. The fact is that the majority of smokers are aware of the consequences of smoking but decide to do it anyway. Showing images such as this are not changing their minds, only making the quitters depressed. Not only is it mean to the people attempting to quit, it is also mean to the people who have quit. It can be very depressing knowing that you could have caused permanent harm to your body. The last thing a person needs wandering in his/her mind is regret and remorse.
My strong attitude about non-smoking comes from my personal experience. It is all too easy knowing whether a person is a smoker or not. Apart from the smoke stench in their car,house, and clothes, you can also smell it in their breath and see it on their teeth. Not only is smoking unapealling externally, it is just as bad internally. Throughout my years of school, I must have taken 4 courses in which the dangers of smoking were presented to us. A person who decides to smoke is completely disregarding all information presented to them about the effects of smoking. That being said, I do believe that a person has the right to make decisions such as smoking on their own, and it is their decision they have to deal with. As a whole, I believe the picture is controversial but at the same time very effective.


  1. I don't think the image is controversial. It's no secret that smoking is harmful. A picture of an ashtray that looks like lungs isn't going to convince someone to quit.

  2. I would have to agree with you that this image is controversial. I feel that this image can show the effects of their lungs of those people who smokes. This way when those people look at the image it may make them think twice before they start smoking. Also, this may give them something to visualize considering to quit smoking. I am too an antismoking. I believe that people should not smoke no matter how old or how young you are.

  3. I agree with Kathy, this image is controversial in that it displays outright how bad the effects are when someone is smoking. Yet, at the same time, it is very effective in the sense that it may discourage someone from smoking in the first place.

  4. I'm a bit troubled by this line: "The last thing a person needs wandering in his/her mind is regret and remorse."

    It confuses me a bit...Are you saying that people should not regret when they do something bad? I think that's a bit backwards. Regret is exactly what they need, because if smokers do not regret what they have done to themselves then what's to prevent them from lighting up again?

  5. I doubt if this image will make a smoker quit.But it will definitely help someone in the process of quiting not light up.

  6. I agree that we scaring feering into someone is not a good idea. I can also agree with the fact that this ad is effective beacause the picture of the lungs can definately scare people to stop smoking.

  7. From a smokers point of view, who has grown up around a family of smokers, as well as having had family members and friends end up with lung cancer, this would not make me quit. Images can influence you, as statics can make you double think about what you are doing, but it is a person's free-will to do what they choose,

    I do not see the controversy of this image or ad because it was poorly thought out. Obviously everyone that smokes knows the risks, and I don't think it would have an impact on preventing teenagers from smoking since it's not very catchy.

    I've really only seen one anti-smoking ad that I thought was well thought out, and that is the commercial of teenagers smoking, and then it goes to an image of a middle-aged black man all gray and his body worn down. He sits in a wheel chair with a oxygen tank and mask saying "Because you could end up like me."

    I disagree with you about it not being a good idea to use fear to stop someone from doing something. I mean if it's the truth, then it is really only the way to influence someone to stop. Cheering them on to quit, or getting angry with someone for not quitting is not going to do much for most people to quit. I mean we have all these laws and punishments that scare most people away from committing crimes, so why not do the same with influencing someone to quit smoking. That is my opinion though.

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