Saturday, September 12, 2009

Live life to the fullest

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modelled my philosophy for life, it would be "Live life to the fullest." Every day you hear about people that are growing old and wishing they had done more with their life. In my personal opinion, there is no point in living life without taking some risks and having fun. I would rather live a shorter life and enjoy every moment of it than to live a long dull life while taking no chances.
When I was a little kid my father always used to encourage me to explore new things and take advantage of oppurtunities. For instance, when I was eight I was offered a ride in a small four seater propeller plane. At first I was very scared and was reluctant to go. I finally mustered enough courage to say yes and to this day I've never looked back. The few hours riding in that plane were a few of the most fulfilling hours of my life.
The memory of riding in the four seater propeller plane will stay with me forever. To this day, I am so grateful that I decided to go. If I had decided not to, I would have missed out on one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. That is why the quote" Live life to the fullest" means so much to me.


  1. I agree with you, life is far too short to just sit on the sidelines and watch it go by.

  2. I agree it would be horrible to be too old to do something you always wanted to do, but didn't out of fear. Sometimes you just have to go for it.

  3. Hi Chris,
    Sounds like your motto includes taking a little risk at times! I like the point you are making about wasting time/life. The truth is - life is a gift. We should treat it as such and make the most of it.

    Have you been in a propeller plane since?

  4. Hi Chris!
    Very well said. That sounds exciting. I also think you should live life to the fullest. Im afraid of heights, but I got the courage and went bungie jumping. I'm glad I did. :)

  5. This is a motto I live by also, regret is not a good thing to have later on.

  6. I live my life by this motto. Very well said.

  7. Your philosophy is very true because life is too short not to try new things.

  8. I like this motto. Mine is similiar and I think it's important to do all that you can in your short life span.

  9. Sounds like you will have an exciting life, have fun!

  10. The only way to enjoy the life you have is to take every opportunity given to you with stride and live it to the fullest. Life will never bring you joy if you never go out and do anything, so I agree with you on your quote and story.

  11. I try to follow your motto as well, that is why I went skydiving last year. Most amazing thing I have ever done.

  12. I agree life is too short to not do what you want with it.

  13. life requires courage and strength without action there is no joy in life. i like this perspective because you dont want to play it safe to regret your life enjoy it and take a chance.

  14. I like your philosophy,one has to live life the fullest for it to make sense.

  15. Tomorrow is never promised and for this reason I totally agree with your bumper sticker moto. Living life to the fullest leaves you content at the end of the day. You feel that pride and sense of accomplishment.

  16. Totally true! Being happy today is whats important because if you think about it tomorrow never really comes...

  17. Yes i agree, one must risk in order to gain more fun out of life.

  18. It is cool that a decision as small as getting in a plane can make such an impact on you.

  19. i like your motto!life is too is important to have an experience in life.
